***EN 10 Provincial Exam: Fri. June 22 9:00 - 11:00 JP Gym***
***FINAL DEADLINE for assignment completion is Thurs. June 14*** ***Finding Forrest ch. 8-19 quiz on Mon. June 11 (30 marks)***
Fri. June 15 - Double block
- practice reading comprehension article and questions
- literary terms review crossword
- Lab 120 is booked:
- Option #1: More provincial e-exam practice. Find links at the top of the right column.
- Option #2: Continue to blog. Create your own blog to share your interests, art, or adventures. It's free and easy.
- Option #3: Review Literary Terms that could be on the provincial exam.
- Option #4: Internet Safety. If this topic interested you in class, visit CyberNetrix.
Wed. June 13 - Thurs. June 14
- Start viewing what Popular Mechanics called one of the "ten most prophetic sci-fi movies ever" - The Truman Show.
Tues. June 12
- finish course assignments in the lab.
Mon. June 11