Friday, November 27, 2015

Nov. 30 - Dec. 4: The Chrysalids

DUE Fri Dec. 4: The Chrysalids quotes sheet 
QUIZ Fri. Dec. 4: Ch. 7-12 (25) 15 multiple choice; 10 character matching

Fri. Dec. 4, 2015- The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Quiz on ch. 7-12 today.
- Finish the homophone poetry lesson today (homophones explained). Use the homophone list to help create your poem. You may choose to adapt themes from The Chrysalids novel into  your poem.
- If you finish your poem, continue work on the novel reading and new chapter questions for ch. 13-17.

Thurs. Dec. 3, 2015- The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Continue reading / listening to finish ch. 12.
- Hand in the completed quote sheet and sentence combining sheet.
-  Review ch. 7 to 12 answers. Ch. 7-12 quiz tomorrow (10 character matching)
- View Watch the Skies (50's sci-fi) documentary: part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4

Wed. Dec. 2, 2015- The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Start work on Chrysalids Sentence Combining
- Continue reading ch. 7 to 12.
-  Work on chapter 7 to 12 questions and answers.
-Listen to The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 2) Ch. 7-12

Tues. Dec. 1, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
Chapter summaries.
Review character sheet and ch. 7 to 12 answers.
- Continue reading and work on The Chrysalids quotes sheet. This is a 5 mark assignment that will be part of the total mark for your in-class essay next week. Quotes sheet due Fri. Dec. 4.

Mon. Nov. 30, 2015- The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
Chapter summaries.
- Review novel characters (10 character matching on the ch. 7-12 quiz).
- Continue reading ch. 7 to 12.
-  Work on chapter 7 to 12 questions and answers.
-Listen to The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 2) Ch. 7-12 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Nov. 23 - 27: The Chrysalids

Graphic novel evaluation assignment. (20 marks) DUE Fri. Nov. 20
Romeo and Juliet  project   DUE Tues. Nov. 24.
QUIZ ch. 1-6 and author matching (25) Fri. Nov. 27 

Fri. Nov. 27, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
Chapter summaries.
- Review notes for the quiz today.
- Quiz on ch. 1-6 story details and matching on John Wyndham. 
- Complete the Fear/Hope - based society sheet and hand in (8)
- Continue reading The Chrysalids novel; work on the ch. 7 - 12 questions.

Thurs. Nov. 26, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Continue reading / listening to The Chrysalids novel.
- Review chapter  answers to chapters 1- 6. Also, review John Wyndham  answers for tomorrow's quiz.

Wed. Nov. 25, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Review answers to chapters 1 and 2; complete ch. 3 - 6 questions.
- Read up to the end of chapter 6.
- Background on John Wyndham, author of The Chrysalids.
-Questions and answers on the biography of John Wyndham, author of The Chrysalids.
- The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 1) Chapter 1-6
- Interestingly, Wyndham's novel Web, which was turned down for publication before his death, was later published ten years after his death.

Tues. Nov. 24, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Continue reading chapters 3 and 4 of The Chrysalids novel for Friday.
- Answer The Chrysalids questions for those chapters.
- The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 1)
- Continue viewing the John Wyndham biography and taking notes.

Mon. Nov. 23, 2015 - The Chrysalids audiobook. The Chrysalids Online Novel
- Finish reading chapters 1 and 2 of The Chrysalids novel for Tuesday.
- Answer The Chrysalids questions for those chapters.
- The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 1)
- John Wyndham biography and notes.
Part 1---Part 2 ---Part 3---Part 4--- Part 5--- Part 6

Friday, November 13, 2015

Nov. 16 - 20: Romeo and Juliet

Fri. Nov. 20, 2015

- Using the graphic novel adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, complete the graphic novel evaluation assignment. (20 marks) DUE Fri. Nov. 20
- Next week we'll start reading a novel by John Wyndham. Start viewing the documentary below and answer the questions.

Mon. Nov. 16 - Thurs. Nov. 19- Romeo and Juliet Online Play  Simplified Romeo and Juliet

- Help English 11 students by completing their Student Surveys
- The computer lab is booked for these classes to work on the Romeo and Juliet Superheroes Adaptation Project.
- Sign in to your Google Drive account.
- Click on the project template. Select the "Use this template" button to import this project into your account.
Important: Do not start editing the worksheet until you have clicked the button to import the document. 
Important: Start at Part 3. Then complete Parts 1, 2 and 4.
Saving Character Images: Menu - Accessories - Screenshot - Select a Region 
- Read the instructions carefully and edit the project template to develop all required elements for your synopsis of a superheroes adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Nov. 9 - 13: Romeo and Juliet

QUIZ Thurs. Nov. 12 (30) T/F and matching on Romeo and Juliet introduction and theatre
Romeo and Juliet Introduction questions and paragraph (10) DUE Fri. Nov. 13.
Romeo and Juliet Wedding Vows (10) DUE Mon. Nov. 16

Fri. Nov. 13, 2015 -  Romeo and Juliet Online Play   Simplified Romeo and Juliet
**Finish the Romeo and Juliet theatre questions that are due today.
- Continue watching Romeo and Juliet (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version). 
- Finish writing the Romeo and Juliet wedding vows (at least 8 lines of authentically affectionate script lines for both characters). This is a creative writing assignment that must include underlined and labelled examples of alliteration, personification, simile, and metaphor (10). Due on Mon. Nov. 16. 

Thurs. Nov. 12, 2015 -  Romeo and Juliet Online Play   Simplified Romeo and Juliet
- Quiz (35) on introduction to Elizabethan theatre and Romeo and Juliet.
Continue watching Romeo and Juliet (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version). 
- Start Romeo and Juliet wedding vows. Include underlined and labelled examples of alliteration, personification, simile, and metaphor (10). Due on Mon. Nov. 16.

Tues. Nov. 10, 2015 -  Romeo and Juliet Online Play   Simplified Romeo and Juliet
- Romeo and Juliet plot summary video
- Review overhead notes on Act I, Act II, Act III and Act IV
- Blk. D - Start watching Romeo and Juliet  (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version).
- Blk. D - Attend Remembrance Day ceremony.

- Blk. B-  Continue watching Romeo and Juliet (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version). 

Mon. Nov. 9, 2015 - Romeo and Juliet Online Play  Simplified Romeo and Juliet
Elizabethan English
Blk. B - view Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet introduction (Program 4) DVD
- 40 - 45 min. for completion of your Romeo and Juliet Introduction questions OR read from the graphic novels.
- Hand in your answers to the questions and the paragraph today (10 marks).

Blk. D - Finish the movie Shakespeare In Love. Note: This film is not historically accurate. (It is a fictional comedy of how Shakespeare's life may have been while he was writing Romeo and Juliet). Observe the settings, costumes and theatre structure.
- 20 - 25 min. for completion of your Romeo and Juliet Introduction questions OR read from the graphic novels.
- Hand in your answers to the questions and the paragraph today (10 marks).