Monday, April 11, 2011

Apr. 12 - 15: Paragraphs / Romeo and Juliet

***Mon. Apr. 18: 30 mark quiz on Elizabethan Theatre / Romeo and Juliet Intro***

Thurs. Apr. 14 - Fri. Apr. 15
- Read Shakespeare In Love overview
**We will watch the movie Shakespeare In Love on Thursday and Friday. If you are absent either day, you can find the movie here on YouTube.

Wed. Apr. 13
Today, we'll take a virtual tour of the Globe Theatre. Make notes on the handout. Read Shakespeare: What's Your Sign?
After the tour, see:

See also:
Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet (A Kennedy Center video)

Tues. Apr. 12 - paragraph revision
- Review the slide notes on paragraph writing (below).
- Select your two best paragraph rough drafts. Review peer editing comments. Topics list for anyone who doesn't have two draft paragraphs: How does social media affect you and/or your peers? Is remixing content legitimate creativity or intellectual property theft? What is the most important public service announcement topic for teen audiences today?
- Type both paragraphs with revisions / corrections. Print them to hand in this class (12 marks each).
- Include: titles, topic / intro. sentences, supporting sentences, clincher / concluding sentences (double-space).

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