Friday, November 8, 2013

Nov. 12 - 15: Romeo and Juliet

Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest: Deadline is Jan. 15, 2014 / Previous winners
QUIZ: Elizabethan Theatre (30) on Tuesday. Nov. 12

Fri. Nov. 15 Romeo and Juliet Online Play  Simplified Romeo and Juliet
- 20 min. for preview reading or assignment completion
- Review overhead notes on Act III and Act IV
- Watch Romeo and Juliet Acts III and IV (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version).


Thurs. Nov. 14
- Romeo and Juliet plot summary video
- What is Tragedy? DVD review of the historical roots of this genre.
- Review overhead notes on Act I and Act II
- Who's Who in Verona overhead notes
Watch Romeo and Juliet Act I Scenes 1-3 (1968 Franco Zeffirelli version).

Tues. Nov. 12 - Wed. Nov. 13
- Finish viewing final scene of Shakespeare In Love
- 25 minutes for Act I graphic novel reading or finish the Romeo and Juliet Intro Ques.
- Write the Elizabethan Theatre quiz (30).
- Another adaptation
- Review overhead notes: Prologue (in iambic pentameter)

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