Friday, February 5, 2016

Feb. 9 - 12, 2016: Media Literacy

DUE Wed. Feb. 10 - Reading Log
DUE Thurs. Feb. 11 - A Tale of Two Media project

Fri. Feb. 12, 2016- Complete student information form (3 marks)

- 25 min. for paragraph completion or silent reading.
Topic 3 : Is remixing content a legitimate form of creativity OR is it intellectual property theft?
- Start work on the Scams to Avoid crossword puzzle  using the reference booklet.

Thurs. Feb. 11, 2016 

- 25 min. of silent reading, or finish your overdue assignments.
- DVD Writing Effective Paragraphs
- discuss the features of copyright, copyleft and public domain licensing for remixing or using content.
Image attribution: Copyright © 2009 – 2015 licensed under

- Write third paragraph for peer editing. Topic - Is remixing content a legitimate form of creativity, or is it intellectual property theft?

Tues. Feb. 9 - Wed. Feb. 10, 2016

- 20 min. of silent reading, or finish your paragraphs.
- Complete A Tale of Two Media project
- View some example slides
- To begin this project, import the project template into your Google Docs account.
- Decide which two popular culture characters (human or cartoon) will be the stars of your side-by-side story of old and new media. Do a Google Images search to make sure you can find enough images of your characters.
- Come up with slide content ideas and sketch / write them on your planning sheet. (10 marks)
** If you don't have access to Google Docs, set up a GMail account .

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