Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jan. 7 - 11: Finding Forrester

Provincial Exam: Tues. Jan. 29 (9:00-11:00 am)
Term 2 Assignment Deadline: Fri. Jan. 25 
Quiz ch. 1-7 Finding Forrester: Fri. Jan. 11 (25 marks)
Ch. 9, 10 and 12 Ques: DUE Mon. Jan. 21 (52 marks)
Tweets from space.

Fri. Jan. 11 Ch. 1-7 quiz today
- Write chapter 1 - 7 quiz.
- Finding Forrester is a novel that explores many themes including human attitudes, assumptions and biases. Many argue that the media plays a powerful role in shaping people's attitudes. We will watch the 13 minute video "Racial Bias and the Media."
- Is the media doing enough to fairly represent our population?
- Watch the video clip about a recent experiment conducted by a high school student. Do you think the media is responsible for these results?
- Vocabulary exercise: Review the Canadian Race Relations Foundation glossary of terms.
- Assignment due this class (10 marks): From the glossary:

  • Select five terms that you think have the most relevance to Jamal's experience. Write a full sentence reason for each choice.
  • Next, list five other glossary terms that you now understand better after reading this list. Write or paraphrase the definition of each term.
Thurs. Jan. 10, 2013 Homework for Thursday: Review for Friday's quiz
- Review characters and answers for chapters 4 to 7.
- Start reading chapter 8 and working on the questions.
- You will need to hand in answers for ch. 9, 10 and 12 questions.

Wed. Jan. 9, 2013 Homework for Thursday: Finish reading ch. 7 (study for Ch. 1-7 quiz on Friday)
- Ethical dilemma group exercise: The Dying Passenger
- Take an aerial tour of New York City (setting of Finding Forrester). Can you spot any famous landmarks?

Tues. Jan. 8, 2013
- Review characters and answers to chapter 1 - 3 questions of Finding Forrester.
- The author, James W. Ellison, has written the novelizations for several films.
- Continue reading chapters 4 and 5 of Finding Forrester. 

Mon. Jan. 7, 2013
- In our final weeks of English 10, we will be reading the novel Finding Forrester. This novel is based on the screenplay written by Mike Rich.
- Read chapters 1 - 3 of Finding Forrester.
  • Jamal comes from the South Bronx, which is located in one of New York City's five boroughs.
  • The setting of the novel Finding Forrester is an important component of the story and the two worlds inhabited by Jamal, the protagonist.
  • The poverty of the South Bronx is evident. Watch this photo essay of the South Bronx to learn about this neighbourhood.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec. 17 - 21: Sci-Fi Reviews

Chrysalids Essay Make Up Day: Wed. Dec. 19 Connections K123 

Fri. Dec. 21
- Conclusion of The Truman Show.
- Complete your book / movie reviews. DUE Mon. Jan. 7.
***Enjoy your holiday***

Wed. Dec. 19 / Thurs. Dec. 20
Blk. D / B - 20 min. reading. Continue viewing The Truman Show.
Blk. B / D - Lab class on media freedom / Google advanced searches
***New Contest - Why Media Matters (Deadline May 15/13)

Review the Fundamental Freedoms (section 2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

Fundamental Freedoms

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

a) freedom of conscience and religion;

b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

d) freedom of association.

Freedom of the press is an important cornerstone of a democracy. In some societies, information access is much more restrictive than it is in Canada.

  1. Find out where Canada currently ranks on the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index. Where did Canada rank in 2002?
  2. Review 2012 Attacks on the Press
  3. Review statistics on journalists killed

View the following videos:
Report on the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index

Learn about the most dangerous country for journalists.

Internet censorship in China

Blogging and its impact on traditional news media

Tues. Dec. 18

- Complete the book review assignment for the novel The Chrysalids.
- Today, we'll watch the first 40 min. of The Truman Show.
- The Truman Show has been called one of the ten most prophetic science fiction movies ever made. What do you think this statement means?
We will watch The Truman Show this week. Consider the following questions:
  • Do you think this movie should be classified as science fiction? Why or why not?
  • What statement do you think this movie is making about the media?
  • What ethical statement do you think this movie is making?
Mon. Dec. 17  The Chrysalids online novel. Chapter summaries.

Blk. D
- Library class today. Use this class to complete the Sci-Fi author activity sheet, read and complete any missing term 2 assignments.

Blk. B
- In-class five paragraph novel essay today. You may use your prepared quotes sheet and your axiom outline sheet.
- You will receive the essay criteria sheet and the first paragraph for the essay.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dec. 10 - 14: The Chrysalids

25 Mark Quiz #3 (ch. 13-17) Wed.  Dec. 12 - 10 marks comma splice / fused sentences; 15 multiple choice.
In class Chrysalids Essay (30) - Blk. D Thurs. Dec. 13 / Blk. B Mon. Dec. 17

Fri. Dec. 14
- 25 min. for silent reading (borrow or read your own book).
- Review the story "The Trickster."
- Respond to the story questions using complete sentences in your answers.

Thurs. Dec. 13  The Chrysalids online novel. Chapter summaries.
Blk. B
- Library class today. Use this class to complete the Sci-Fi Writer activity sheet, read and complete any missing term 2 assignments.
Blk. D
- In-class five paragraph novel essay today. You may use your prepared quotes sheet and your axiom outline sheet.
- You will receive the essay criteria sheet and the first paragraph for the essay.

Wed. Dec. 12 The Chrysalids online novel. Chapter summaries.
-Listen to The Chrysalids Radio Play (Part 3)
- Write the ch. 13 - 17 quiz (25 marks).
- Use remaining time for assignment completion or silent reading of your choice.
Tues. Dec. 11 The Chrysalids online novel. Chapter summaries.
- Review ch. 15 - 17 answers
- Watch The Chrysalids inspired Jefferson Airplane song "Crown of Creation." 
Song lyrics quoted from ch. 16 p. 182  
**Continue your essay outline preparation and novel reading:
- Consult the "List of Discoveries" to select three alternative axioms for inclusion in David Strorm's home. If you're unable to attend class, you can make selections from this list of quotes.
- In preparation for the upcoming in-class essay, list your three axiom selections on your axiom outline sheet. In the box beside each axiom, write a paragraph topic sentence using the axiom in quotation marks. Then, in point form, list three reasons for each axiom selected.
- See the introductory paragraph and outline for the in-class essay.

Mon. Dec. 10  The Chrysalids online novel. Chapter summaries.
- Review ch. 13 - 14 answers
- Consult the "List of Discoveries" to select three alternative axioms for inclusion in David Strorm's home. If you're unable to attend class, you can make selections from this list of quotes.
- In preparation for the upcoming in-class essay, list your three axiom selections on your axiom outline sheet. In the box beside each axiom, write a paragraph topic sentence using the axiom in quotation marks. Then, in point form, list three reasons for each axiom selected.
- See the introductory paragraph and outline for the in-class essay.