Friday, October 12, 2012

Oct. 15 - 18: Poetry / Animal Farm

DUE Thurs. Oct. 18: Poetry Blogs
Thurs. Oct. 18: Open-book poetry test p. 117-251

Thurs. Oct. 18, 2012 - Animal Farm online novel
- Open-book poetry test (43 marks). You can use your textbook, The Poet's Craft.
- When you finish, read chapters 1, 2 and 3 of Animal Farm.
- Complete the vocabulary and answers to the chapter questions. 

Tues. Oct. 16 - Wed. Oct. 17
- The lab is booked.
- Use this time to complete and email your blog links. See blog post examples from last week.
- If finished, start typing out your two best good copy paragraphs from your peer-edited rough copies. DUE Mon. Oct. 22: 2 typed good copies (2 x 6 marks) and four rough drafts (4 x 2 marks) Total 20 marks.

Mon. Oct. 15

- Review poetry terminology: denotation, connotation, apostrophe, alliteration, and other terms on this online list.
- Review slam poetry examples.

A Poem about hands:

- AK47 Team Poetry: This is a brilliant example of personification/extended metaphor in a poem presented at an event in Ottawa in 2009.

- Poetry has experienced a revival through the support of athletic events and teams.
 - NY Knicks Poetry Slam 09 Semi-Finalist:

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