Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept. 16 - 20: Media Literacy Unit

DUE Mon. Sept. 16: Slide Project and planning sheet (47 marks)
DUE Wed. Sept. 18: Paragraph - Jean Kilbourne /  Ad strategies sheet (12)

DUE Thurs. Sept. 19: Ad Strategies sheet (12)
DUE Fri. Sept. 20: Crossword  Puzzle (10 marks)
Homework: Information form (6 marks)  

Fri. Sept. 20, 2013 - Copyright, Creative Commons and Public Domain
- 25 min. of silent self-directed reading or assignment completion time.
- - Continue viewing RIP: A Remix Manifesto (documentary on copyright issues in our participatory culture). Consider the question: Is remixing content a legitimate form of creativity or is it intellectual property theft?

Thurs. Sept. 19, 2013 - Censorship and Journalism
- The lab is booked in the library.
- Complete the Freedom to Read activity sheet. This is out of 25 marks and will be collected at the end of class. Use the website below:

When finished:
Review the Fundamental Freedoms (section 2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association.

Freedom of the press is an important cornerstone of a democracy.
  1. Find out where Canada currently ranks on the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index. Where did Canada rank in 2002?
  2. Review yearly  Attacks on the Press
  3. Review statistics on journalists killed

Wed. Sept.18, 2013
- 25 min. for work completion or silent reading.
- Review Creative Commons licenses as an alternative to traditional copyright.
- See examples of images with CC licenses.  Image detail.
- See where they may end up: CBC
- How to choose a CC license. CC promotes a shared culture.
- Start viewing RIP: A Remix Manifesto (documentary on copyright issues in our participatory culture). Consider the question: Is remixing content a legitimate form of creativity or is it intellectual property theft?

Tues. Sept. 17, 2013 
- 25 min. for work on the paragraph response:
- Do you agree or disagree with Jean Kilbourne’s analysis of the portrayal of women in advertising? (Due Wed. Sept. 18)
- Review the advertising strategies information sheet and view the 15 min. DVD, Cracking the Advertising Code.
- Complete the 12 mark assignment on the back of the information sheet (Due Thurs. Sept. 19).

Mon. Sept. 16, 2013
- 25 min. reading or crossword puzzle work using the reference booklet.
- Killing Us Software 3 (video in class) looks at the portrayal of women in advertising.
- Discussion of film. Start your next paragraph today. See the following paragraph suggestion:
- Do you agree or disagree with Jean Kilbourne’s analysis of the portrayal of women in advertising?

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